Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule

2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

The 2022 Bishop’s Annual Appeal has begun in our parish and throughout our diocese. We join our Catholic brothers and sisters throughout our state to provide support for several critical ministries of our church. Every year, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal challenges us to look outside our parish boundaries and support the universal causes of our church.  This coming week, you will receive information regarding the Appeal in the mail. You will also hear more about the Bishop’s Annual Appeal during Mass over the next few weeks. We ask you to make your commitment by or on the weekend of February 19th and 20th. Thank you for your consideration and support of these important ministries that support our diocese and our local parish.


Lenten Recollection

RE Family Movie Night Postponed

We have postponed our annual movie night to Wednesday, February 2nd. Enjoy the RE family movie from the comfort of your house. We will post the link of the movie at both RE class times (4:30pm and 6:30pm) on our Facebook page.
Please make sure your student fills out the questionnaire.

Hemos pospuesto nuestra noche de pel cula anual para este mi rcoles 2 de febrero. Por favor, aseg rese de que su estudiante complete el cuestionario. Disfrute de la noche de pelicula familiar del catecismo desde la comodidad de su casa. Publicaremos el enlace de la pel cula en ambos horarios de clase del catecismo a las 4:30 y 6:30 en nuestra p gina de Facebook.

Senior Daytimers

The Senior Daytimers invite you (ladies and gentlemen) to join us on the third Thursday of each month at 9:30am in rooms 104 and 106. We spend a few hours playing cards, having lively conversations, laughing a lot, and enjoying tasty refreshments. Looking forward to welcoming new members to our group. Call Ann Marie Sullivan at 542-3936 for information.

Make-Up Spiritual Formation Session for Liturgical Ministers

Fr. Godefroid is hosting a Make-up Spiritual Formation session for existing Liturgical Ministers and those interested in serving the Lord on Saturday, February 5 from 10am-12pm in the APR. Please make plans to attend this
required seminar if you did not attend the one on December 5th. Contact Fr. Godefroid if you cannot attend.