Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) was founded by St. Francis of Assisi 800 years ago.  Others names to identify our order are Brothers and Sisters of Penance, the Third Order of St. Francis, Franciscan Tertiaries and the Penitents of Assisi.  As Secular Franciscans, we are single, married, old, and young.  We live in our own homes, and are in the world not of the world and worship at our own parishes.  We are members of the Franciscan Family of Region National, and International including Friars Minor, Poor Clares, and the Third Order Regular Sisters and Brothers.  Be with us in community with others.  Pray and worship with us.  Learn more about the Church, our Franciscan Order, and our faith.  We go “from Gospel to life, and life to the Gospel”.

Ministry contact: Paula Duncan