Rummage Sale

Are you doing some spring cleaning? Save your items, label your items and donate to JORS Rummage Sale! We will be collecting items from April 21-24 from 9to noon! Thank you for your help!
Estarás haciendo limpieza de primavera ? Guarda tus artículos y dónalos para la venta de artículos usados de JORS! Estaremos tomando colecciones de artículos usados de abril 21 al 24 de 9 a 12
Muchas gracia por su apoyo!

Volunteers Needed: Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is looking for more volunteers to help at our 10 a.m. Sunday Masses as the number of children attending continues to increase. If you have a heart to share God’s Word with our kids or are willing to assist in another way, please contact Mary Forde at or 864-757-8509.

Training will be provided!

There will be no Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday.

Mandatory Parent Meeting for All Students Receiving Confirmation/Reunión de padres obligatoria para todos los alumnos que reciben la confirmación/

Religious Education Family Movie Night/Educación Religiosa Noche de cine en familia

Family Movie Night!
This time we invite all of you, parents, to enjoy and have the time to watch this movie with your children from the comfort of your home. After watching the movie, there is a questionnaire to be filled out and returned to their teacher the next class. (Students have the questionnaire if they attended class). Thank you very much for your help.
Movie for 8th grade, Confirmation, and RCIC Students:
The movie “John Bosco” is about the saint’s life and his work with a young man.
**The questionnaire will be worth one service hour.**
Movie for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders:
The movie “The Story of Jesus” is about the life of Jesus.
¡Noche de cine en familia!
Esta vez os invitamos a todos vosotros, padres y madres, a que disfrutéis y tengáis tiempo de ver esta película con vuestros hijos desde la comodidad de vuestra casa. Después de ver la película, hay hay un cuestionario que deben rellenar y devolver a su profesor la clase siguiente. (Los alumnos tienen el cuestionario si asistieron a clase). Muchas gracias por su ayuda.
Esta película es para alumnos de 8º grado, Confirmación y RCIC:
La película “Juan Bosco” trata sobre la vida del santo y su trabajo con un joven.
**El cuestionario valdrá una hora de servicio.**
Esta película es para alumnos de 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º, 6º y 7º grado:
La película “La historia de Jesús” trata sobre la vida de Jesús.

The First Night of Christmas Play

You are cordially invited to the Christmas play, “The First Night of Christmas” on Sunday, December 24 at 3:30pm.  You are in for a treat!  This play features students from our Religious Education classes. If you are planning to attend the 4:00pm Children’s Mass on December 24, please arrive early and join us for the Christmas play!

R.E. Christmas Schedule

Happy holidays from the Religious Education staff at Jesus, Our Risen Savior parish!  There will be no R.E. classes on December 20 and 27 for our Wednesday classes.  


Students who attend our Sunday classes will not have class on December 24 and 31.


See you in 2024!