RCIC-2 Class of 2019

Destiny Alvarado

Eduardo Alvarado

Yaccivi Borja

Melenin Contreras

Brandon Estrella

Christian Gonzalez

Michelle Ihetu

Kevin Martinez

Sofia Martinez

Bryan Neri

Kevin Neri

Yasmin Neri

Andrick Perez

Angel Rodriguez

Gabriella Rodriguez

Nathaniel Steeling

Bryan Vargas

Jenrry Ventura

Mariana Pineda


Online Giving

Why should you give online?

  • There’s no need to hassle with checks or cash.
  • 24/7 web-based access
  • It’s safe and secure.
  • Easily schedule recurring donations.
  • Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services.
  • Option to remain anonymous.


The Holy Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin

A most sacred relic or one of the greatest hoaxes of history?

Fr. Ryan will give a presentation on the Holy Shroud on Monday of Holy Week April 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Is it really the burial shroud of Jesus? Did carbon dating really prove it a fraud? What really took place during the passion? Come and see a full size copy, venerate relics of the Passion & learn about this fascinating cloth!

All are welcome!

Keyboard Needed

Do you have a keyboard that you are not using that you could donate to our church? The one our choirs use for prac- tice is having issues and is too old to be fixed. We are not picky, but do require one with certain functions.

Please call Mary at 864-978-3833 to see if yours is a good fit for us. Thanks!

Passover Seder Meal

There will be a Passover Seder Meal on April 17th, 6pm. Cost Adults $12, Children 6-12 years and Seniors 65+ $6 Maximum per family $30 Seating is limited. Pre-register by April 7th. Information and registration forms are in the gathering space.

Bulletin, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 26, 2018
