
This ministry is a wonderful opportunity to become part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by taking responsibility of preparing all things for the celebration and assist with any immediate liturgical needs.

Prior to setting up the Altar and assembling the various Ministers, A Prayer should be said, Thanking God for this opportunity to serve Him in this special way.

The Sacristan is in charge of all things pertinent to the Mass and must be prepared so the Celebrant need only concern himself with the Mass without distractions. The only interaction with the Celebrant other than identifying yourself as the Sacristan is does he need anything special. (For Visiting Priest this interact could take longer than normal. as you have to show him where things are, plus provide any of his special needs.)

After Mass, the Sacristan is responsible in properly cleaning the vessels, and extinguishing the candles.

If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan, please contact Carol Corson at

If you are new to this kind of ministry pelase refer to these guidelines.